K1 - Touch diamond 2 aus Metall -Android / WM



Dachte ich mach mal nen thread im news bereich. Ist zwar mit dem A1 verwand, aber ist doch irgentwie was anderes :)

ist nun ein video davon heraus.



und wenn ich die Übersetzung richtig verstehe, soll irgentwann ANdroid 2.2 dafür heraus kommen, Dual OS mit Windows wenn alles richtig funktioniert.

Ach ja der preis unter 1000 yuans:

Diamond K1 base configuration:

CPU: MTK mt6516 416M AP 280M modem

Memory: 512M rom 256M ram

Screen: 3.2 inch WQVGA touch flat

System: Android v2.1 v2.2 upgrade support follow-up

Camera: 320W pixels

Other: WIFI, BT, ceramic antenna, titanium metal really
MediaTek to give strength, diamond K1 dual card smart live video show
Diamond is indeed worthy of the name the name of K1, almost everyone will be surprised in the hands of its calm, titanium alloy shell, cover with matte metal handle, palms sweat and no longer afraid of friends; K1've got a continuation of the TOPS A1 wavy function keys, it looks masculine full.
Google 2.2 ROM until after improvement can be compatible with WM, Google 2.2 pairs of systems, easy to play strong, the only comparison impress us is that it WQVGA resolution, which I reservations.
mehr bilder hier:



So gibt nun 2 K1 handys - einmal K1-S ( singel sim ) und K1-D ( dual sim )


Diamond K1-S is the second series after the A1 upgrade and an improved last month, gave you the related photographs exposed, before opening pages, we witness the new android arcade slightly.

K1-S is a single card solution Marvel single card, K1-D is a double mtk dual sim card program, which is moving to help his uncle played, Oh, if the diamond is also the name can be changed, I prefer to call Steel Cold K1
Noch dazu läuft das k1 mit Android 2.2




Das k1 soll nun zu haben sein, mit Android 2.2. Die knöpfe haben noch das Windows logo drauf, schließlich kann es auch mit Wm 6.5 laufen.


D2 shape and Android 2.2 system where the horse is God clouds, the key is people do not have a cottage in the heart, the arrogance of the spike shape of transient heart Satsuki month. 3.2 inch 240 * 400px (WQVGA) touch screens also strong enough.
Diamond K1 has a 500 million pixel camera, smart phone in the cottage which is rare, shooting impressive enough to afford any big street shooting.
Honestly, for Windows Mobile phones used to me, and experience the Android phone is a really good experience, Diamond K1 slightly WM features (button design), which take care of a lot of habits of users like me. But the real praise is that powerful people to the material and system experience.
Retain a lot of Google services, but also provides some very easy to use software tools. Of course, FM radio is built in, not a network of radio stations, but still need to use headphones to listen to (-.-! that something special)


Well-Known Member
Erstaunlich das die immer noch am Diamond 2 Design festhalten.
Wird von HTC ja schon lange nicht mehr hergestellt.

Aber macht halt am wenigsten Arbeit ;)


ist ja auch ein erstklassiges Design, nicht zu groß paßt also prima in die Hosentasche, und nicht zu klein, also man kann alles auf dem Display erkennen :)

Aber egal , so das Red Diamond gibt es nun auch von der Firma HZC, nennt sich HZC-Q2. Ist vielleicht sogar das selbe?
zumindest funktioniert ja bei HZC das Dual OS, m8cool hat ja das Dual OS Rom getestet, war aber das Red Diamond.

Aber ob die Angaben der verbesserungen stimmen ist mehr als zweifelhaft, nun ja :)


HZC-Q2 (King Diamond Ultimate Security) 6 large increase

1. The adoption of international chip giant Qualcomm Taiwan original 10-layer board designated to ensure the machines run 48 hours to ensure continued good performance;

2. Shows a comprehensive upgrade to touch-screen glass imported from Japan TP, external screen and more solid, higher strength and substantially improved the sensitivity of hand touch, completely eliminated the hand-written flight pen, pen down the situation and position offset

3. With Yamaha power amplifier. Putting full loud sound.

4. Battery with Sony batteries, standby of up to 72 hours daily. The endurance capacity of mobile phones continued to strengthen

5. 1G frequency Qualcomm, Google, Microsoft, free double toggle system, a machine in hand, unparalleled in the world!

6. The K3BBS Q2 core Rom team to tailor personalized Google Rom, play the machine worry! !
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