[[Important]] ::MiniIphone Questions::


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Hello guys. I've been following this forum for quite a few weeks, using google translate. Nice community you got here. Too bad you guys don't write in English..

Anyways, I got this MiniIphone: http://www.replica-cell-phones.com/china/iPhone_Clone-20/Mini-iPhone-3G--1178.html

Here's what I would like to know:

1-When I go to the Ipod player and turn the mobile phone horizontally, no "black squares" or albums show up. And yes, I read the MP3 pinned topic of this website. My question is, is this function compatible with all iphone clones?

2-SMS ringing tone and ON/OFF tones cannot be customized, besides the ones that come with the phone right?

3-Is this an Hiphone or a Ciphone? Can I upgrade its firmware or is this the latest? I tried to imput the codes you guys provided, altough they don't work...

4-When I USB toongle the phone to the PC, it automatically starts to charge the battery. Is there any hack I can do to avoid it charging?

5-Here's the video of my phone: [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hca3IbtAaZc"]YouTube - Mini HiPhone 3G+ with Strong Java and 1GB Internal Memory[/ame]
However, this firmware is a bit different from mine!! When they put "*#66*#" a list bumbs up, while on mine that doesnt show up!
The Ipod player is the same, and it seems that no albuns show up as well.

Hope you guys can help! Here's a google translation of what I wrote:

Hallo Jungs. Ich habe nach diesem Forum für einige Wochen mit Google übersetzen. Nizza Community Sie hier. Too bad you guys schreiben Sie nicht in Englisch ..

Wie auch immer, ich habe dieses MiniIphone: http://www.replica-cell-phones.com/china/iPhone_Clone-20/Mini-iPhone-3G--1178.html

Hier ist, was ich möchte wissen:

1-Wenn ich auf den iPod-Player und drehen Sie das Handy horizontal, keine "schwarze Quadrate" oder Alben angezeigt. Und ja, ich habe den MP3-fixierten Thema dieser Website. Meine Frage ist, diese Funktion ist kompatibel mit allen iPhone-Klone?

2-SMS Klingelton und ON / OFF-Töne können nicht angepasst werden, außer diejenigen, die sich mit dem Telefon oder?

3-Ist das ein Hiphone oder eine Ciphone? Kann ich die firmware oder ist dies die letzte? Ich habe versucht, die Input-Codes euch, die, obwohl sie nicht arbeiten ...

4-USB-toongle Wenn ich das Telefon mit dem PC, wird sie automatisch startet, um die Batterie aufzuladen. Gibt es einen Hack ich tun kann, um zu vermeiden, Gebühren?

5-Hier ist das Video von meinem Handy: [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hca3IbtAaZc"]YouTube - Mini HiPhone 3G+ with Strong Java and 1GB Internal Memory[/ame]
Allerdings ist diese Firmware ist ein wenig anders aus mir! Wenn sie "* # 66 # *" eine Liste bumbs, während über mir, dass nicht angezeigt wird!
Der iPod-Player ist das gleiche, und es scheint, dass keine albuns zeigen, wie gut.


Hi there :)

I don't know your phone, so this a littel "wild guessing" ;)

1. Hardy any phones support cover flow, so I am not surprised nothing happens when you turn your phone horizontally.

2. Most (if not all?!?) of these Clones do not support custom SMS tones.

3. It's definitely NOT a ciPhone, it's a whatever phone, every store calls their phones whatever they like. It's tough if not impossible to do a firmware update on those "unknown" phones, first of all you would have to find a firmware somewhere and even if you do, it's alomost impossible to find the right flashing cable.

4. Try a different USB port or even a different pc, your phone should at least be recognized as a mass storage device. Make sure you are using a USB 2.0 port.

5. if *#66*# doesn't work then you must have a completely different firmware with different codes?!?
=D thanks for the fast reply!

1-Ok, I understand. Altough this works for me while browsing picures/photos, and so I tough it could work with the Ipod player. However when I put the song on folders named as "1" and "2", and I refresh the players list, no music is found.

2-Ah, I see. Thanks
3-Right, I better stay with this frmware =)
4-My phone is recognized when I plug it to the PC. It shows me 3 options: -Mass Storage; Webcam; someother I cant remember right now. Altough the USB charging goes on whether option I choose. I wanted to know if there was any hack I could do, to stop charging when it's plugged to the PC. I don't wanna ruin the battery, as it doesn't long very much..and the phone is new.

5-Oh well... when I have lil time I'll camrecord my phone and upload it to youtube so you can see how it works :)!

6-When I got pics or video uploaded I'll ask another question regarding the MMS config, since on my phone there's no "empty space" for the server port.

Thank you so much for helping me out! Vid comming soon.


Most iPhone clones do NOT support any sub-folders for the music. Usually there is just ONE folder, it could me called "music" or "my music" where all the MP3s go into. Only a few phones can handle sub-folders, cover flow or album art and your phone is probably not one of them.

Your phone will always be charging when you connect it via USB with your pc, as long as the mass storage is working, don't worry about it.

Das ist genau das Telefon habe ich! Und .. Oops, I gezahlt mehr mein! Was genau passiert auf Ihr Telefon? Wie haben Sie es Bremse?
Ich Bilder und Video später zu sehen sein.
Haben Sie die Konfiguration von WAP / MMS-Einstellungen?

Yes.. it's funny because one of the booklets that came with my phone, brought a picture of the Ipod music coverflow. Although I think those pictures were from an original apple iphone and not the clone..
And btw, what is the "Default encoding type" for?
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And btw, what is the "Default encoding type" for?
Ohhh, I'n not sure?!? I think this has something to do with how the phone displays characters from different languages?!? I wouln't worry about it :)

I'm not sure what phone model your phone might be compatible to, try letting your service provider send you the MMS/WAP Settings for either a Sony Ericssson W810i or a Nokia 2610.


Was soll ich übersetzen?!? Das hat er ja schon per Übersetzer geschrieben ;)

Ich hoffe mal, er bleibt bei Englisch, das macht auf jeden Fall mehr Sinn als sein Translator :)
Yay thanks, I got the MMS function to work!:dirol:
Another question for you Colonel, is it normal that the battery drains out quick?
Do you know where can I get nice java games/apps»?
I installed vnes and myboy (NES emu and GameBoy emu) on my iphone, altough they worked, I couldn't select anything since the iphone has no keyboard... =() I also tried common mobile java games and the same issue persists. The strange thing is that the java games which came with the phone work OK without keyboard..

Hey Avada-Kedavra00, do you know any CODES for the I-mini?
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Active Member
what codes do you mean?And yes,the batteries are very bad and they runs out quickly.Most of them are marked with 1200mAh,but must of then habe 500mAh or something like that,and for that the standby time isnt so bad.when i see other cell phones with real 1200mAh batteries who runs out in 2 or 3 days,i am very happy that my sciphone i68+ batteries runs out over one week by normal using.

huch,englisch is noch ein bissel verbesserungswürdig,oder nicht :laughing:
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I mean firmware codes.., but as Avada said, they don't work.
Ah, the batteries are really bad. I hope mine doesn't get worst as time goes by, because if so, I won't be able to hang out without the charger in my pocket ».«
I would like to convert movies and watch them on my i-mini..I've used several video converters although when I transfer them to the phone I get an error on the player... what am I doing wrong?


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