IHTC Desire HD V8 (A9191)


New Member
Hello there,

I have bought this clone recently and having some issues since.

I tried to play angry birds downloaded from android market (version 1.6.1 up to date) and the game does not run. I tried impaled version but the graphics is very awful. Is the phone hardware the real problem? It is the same hardware as other clones and I watched video reviews where the game ran smoothly.

The other thing is I cannot run Sygic navigation. It causes the same as angry birds, I download maps, start Sygic and it turns into black screen and pops me back to menu. Am I doing something wrong or is there any special set up for such applications?

I am still not sure about the CPU speed and the real RAM (256 max?) - is then all about the SD card performance? shall I put all the applications to run from SD?

please, help me out, I am starting to be negative :)

thank you mates


Well-Known Member
The other thing is I cannot run Sygic navigation.
Which Version, Aura, Mobile Maps ?
Turn on GPS before you start Sygic, still FC ?
You can't move or install all Apps to the SD Card, some must be installed to the Internal Memory
And can you please Link to the Phone ?


New Member
it is actually this one:

I am installing Sygic Aura 11.0.1 or 11.0.2 - I can install it, download maps, but then it goes black and turns back to menu (of course the gps is turned on)

and I cannot run angry birds newer than 1.4.2

thank you

and btw: what is the speed of the clone phones wifi in real? I have 30mbit connection but I can hardly go beyond 170kB/s on this cell, is it ok?
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Well-Known Member
iI think you should try Igo, CoPilot or something like that.
efox says 256MB RAM, should be true, and maybe this causes the Angry Birds Problem.
Try this : Kill all Tasks, Switch into Plane Mode and Start Angry Birds.
The CPU is a MT6516, probably clocked at 460Mhz.
Android 2.2 has the ability to move movable Apps to the SD Card, or you can use App2SD.
Wifi Speed should be more than 170kbs, Perform a Speed Test on one of the usual Sites.


New Member
thank you for all your information, will try that. I tried wifi speed in more conditions not only at my home, still the similar results, but ok I can stick with that.

CPU specs on the web say it is 460 + 280 Mhz and 256 RAM + 512 ROM - the ROM comes from SD or what?

I can play only Angry Birds version 1.4.2 which runs smooth but the graphics is not for 4,3" screen, I have to zoom it out to get proper graphics (but smaller picture of course)

I will try Igo or CoPilot for Android.


New Member
Guys, please, is there any way how to speed up the phone performance? like virtual memory from memory card or boosting ram, which makes it automatically. any special app for that?

thank you

multitasking is a good tool but with 256megs of ram it is chaotic!

and maybe a stupid question: may I root this chinese phone with classic methods for normal android devices?
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Well-Known Member
The largest part of the Speed depends on the used CPU.
The Effect of all Changes can only marginally increase the Speed.
Overclocking the CPU, which is already maxed out, is not recommendable.


New Member
is it ok when the phone shows 175 mb ram as total memory instead of 256mb? is there any ratio between this?

and what is your wifi speed on these clones with the same specs as A9191 clone? I am not getting more than 200kB

thank you
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Well-Known Member
I bet It's the available (free) Memory instead of the overall.
Which Method (App ?) for Speedtesting ?


New Member
yes, I used Android system info to check the hardware and stuff and it showed 175 RAM as total, I was shocked. If it is not at least 256, it will never work like a charm.

I tested wifi with app called "Speedtest" but I also checked it via http speed tests, it is less than 200 kB/s always.

I am asking if you experience similar issues on your clones.

Thank you


New Member
Ok, so I was still curious about the real hardware of this clone and I ran Android System Info and compared it with Quick System Info app and surprising results:

Internal storage: total 311 MB
System storage: total 120 MB
System cache: total 60 MB
Memory: total 176 MB
Processor: ARM926EJ-S rev 5 (v5l) 207,66MHz - are they kidding?????

is this worth the price? it does not meet the specs described and the performance of the phone is then lower than expected... wow, really surprised. what do you think about this hardware info?


New Member
and noooow ladies and gentlemen I did a very nasty thing: I previously deleted the stock launcher from the system folder (rooted) and I used go launcher. then I accidentally (not sure :) ran nand flash from system recovery (no backup made)

Now when the phone starts I can see only the up panel with time and no launcher and I cannot do anything.

Can I somehow flash the stock rom? Or is there any way what to do?

I am sorry for my stupidity

Thank you

/edit: I finally figured it out by installing launcher from adb shell from pc. happy now :)
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New Member
Can I install custom rom like cyanogenmod through rom manager app? Or will I just go wrong and brick it?


Well-Known Member
Can I install custom rom like cyanogenmod through rom manager app? Or will I just go wrong and brick it?
Only if the ROM is build for your Device, not similar or look alike.
ROM includes all Drivers and Hardware Settings, different Hardware requires different Drivers.
Flashin a Wrong ROM is the best Way to Brick your Phone.


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