Sieht ja gut aus finde ich.
außer ein wenig rot , aber gibt villeicht auch in anderen farben. Obwohl sich was farbenfrohes auch ganz gut macht. 
Naja noch ein wenig früh
video: http://s80.photobucket.com/albums/j191/nelsonaquino/?action=view¤t=video-2010-02-06-16-31-01.flv

Naja noch ein wenig früh

video: http://s80.photobucket.com/albums/j191/nelsonaquino/?action=view¤t=video-2010-02-06-16-31-01.flv
We were just handed some leaked photos of the upcoming Verizon HTC Incredible. The device is running on Android 2.1 with HTC Sense, and as our tipster confirms, it's running with a Snapdragon CPU (and is described as "fast, really fast") with 256MB of RAM, and has a 3.5-3.7" WVGA screen. He also described the screen as being "very vibrant" and thinks that it may be AMOLED. The Incredible features an optical mouse pointer towards the bottom of the device. On the back, it packs dual LED flashes. We'll post more info as we get it!