How to hack this Chinese ICS-based tablet


New Member
I just bought this Chinese knock-off counterfeit Android tablet. I had a look at the early models available but they were really not worth the (little) money asked for them, but this one was actually quite usable, not great but ok for $80 US.

The tablet is 7", has SAMSUNG written on the front and back, but "About Tablet" says:

Model number: SONY Q7
Android version 4.0.3
Kernel version: 3.0.8 yuxg@yuxg-desktop#135
Build number: H.K-2012

The CPU appears to be a armeabi-v7a
Hardware: rk29board

As I mentioned, it's obviously not really a Galaxy Tab, but for the price it's ok, but it does have some quirks. For example, some internal memory is mounted on the /sdcard mount point. Actual sdcards inserted are mounted on /mnt/external_sd.

It works ok for apps that don't mind using that path, but some apps only want to look at /sdcard, so it would be practical if I could symlink /mnt/external_sd to /sdcard - but I need root for that, hence the need to root the device.

Anyone have any experience with at least rooting this device?

If there's any ROM cooking going on for this device I'd love to hear about it as well.


Well-Known Member
Hi my friend, where did you buy!? Any link for us too take a look on that tablet to see, what we can do!?


New Member
Hi Petteri,

I bought it in a shop here in Thailand where I live :) ... obviously a Chinese import. I have not been able to find the exact model on the internet, but I think it is very similar to this one on the outside except mine says "SAMSUNG" in big letters both on the front and the back.

I could post screenshots if you could let me know which would be interesting?


New Member
I think I promised a bit too much there - it seems the device needs to be rooted for any of the screenshot apps to work, so obviously that's not going to be so easy - but I can take a photo of any screen you'd like to see, just let me know.

Here's a picture of the thing. The flash makes fingerprints stand out a lot more than it appears in real life. It came with the keyboard included in the price btw. I don't intend to type that much on it, but it double's as a handy stand to watch movies or something like that.



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