GALAXY SIII Pro ultimate


New Member
hello people

bought this phone 2 weeks ago here is the link also to not get confused
i bricked him after a update with wrong firmware i think also this preloader and dsp_bl flashed with it pfffffffffffff
i tell you what still works and not works
connect to batterij loader no led light pops up
recovery mode doesn,t start up with + volume and on button pressed,tried every button pressed etc.etc.... no recovery mode starts up at all
not any visible live to see in this phone

whats working

connect phone true pc without batterij it connects quick than disconnects quickly in the hardware section you see it popup and disappear after few seconds
connect phone true pc with batterij it connects and disconnects but it take longer to disconnect with battery in
with sp_flash i can upload a recovery file true this phone gets the red bar than the yellow bar with at the end 100% ok popsup
because i can still upload/flash a file true this phone i think its not broken YET

im looking for a factory rom to flash from beginning with scatter file in it so i wil be able to flash it with SP_flash but cant find it anywhere please help me with this
i have also ordered exatly the same phone for my son is there a possibilitlie to take the firmware (full backup) from that (phone) and flash it on the bricked one in some way help me out guys please


New Member
the bricked one wont boot it will load and flash in sp_flash because i can load with scatter file a recovery.image get the yellow line and ok thats why i think its not fully bricked (because it wont boot cant use card flash?? tried it allready)
guys saterday i got the same one HDC GALAXY SIII Pro ultimate delevivered from ordered for my son :victory:
this time ill be very very carefull what im doing with his phone because im trying to make a full backup from his phone and flash that to my phone:this: or try to get the boot.image and recovery.image of that phone and flash it to my phone i already made a scatterfille of his phone with MtkDroidTools 2.40 but i can not get the boot.image and recovery.image.
i cannot get it root the good/new one dont get confused because i got i bricked one now and a good one .
thanks for your help sorry for my poor english


New Member
hi Tom hi all

tears in my eyes ill give you the forum where i downloaded the firmware etc
(Galaxy S3 Clone 4.7 inch MT6575 DualSim 480 by 800 stock Rooted (Both android and shell) Rom) name of the mediafire link file above this line
i feel a shamed to tell you this :[ i only wanted too update this phone stupid it was someone else firmware and the wrong one i think and i think i flashed it with this ON PRELOADER AND DSP_BL why i have done this pfffffffff still dont understand why
hope i told you enough:sorry:

thanx for your time Tom

Doppelpost zusammengefügt nach 4 minutes:

i mailled FCT to ask if the can upload the cable flash firmware but this phone only goth sd card flash firmware

Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Well-Known Member
but here in forum are some people which have this phone!
@ Post#7 you can see the thread and it isn't that heavy to make a backup while using droid tools!

maybe someone will do this for you!
I will leave a message in this thread an refer them to here!


New Member
thanks tom

you mean the post starting from colonelzap #7
looks very intresting going to read it very slow and carefull
when i finished work im at work right now
i hope you are right what you said in the post before if the right persons guide me it must be quit easy to flash thats why i joined this forum
i do nothing till im sure (the pc still recognizes it i can upload recovery.image true spl_flash get the yellow line and ok)
only thing my english is better than my german thats why i started the english post on this forum

thanks a lot guys:help:


Well-Known Member
sorry you got me wrong!

in Post #7 in this Thread "derhenne" has post a link to an other S3 Thread.

And i said that someone of them should give you the backup...i already post a message in this thread, hope that they will help you!


New Member
this phone HDC I9300 GALAXY SIII Pro ultimate thin
hi guys this is the scatter file of the good phone coold you help me out to get the values for the boot.image and recovery.image
i want to read back those two files and flash those to the bricked one

thanks greetz


New Member
goodmorning tommy answered you this morning

dont know if you got my messages if not thank you if you want too help me

you are the best


New Member
maybe i can help you ... i have bought 2 of these phones .. the first one is bricked because i was to fast clicking in sp flash.. all boxes was checked and i flashed the same firmware from xda as you.. the second one isnt bricked but i dont know how to extract the whole firmware... maybe tommy can help us via teamviewer??


New Member
:goodpost:Hello guys people i can tell you this i nearly give up this phone HDC GALAXY SIII Pro ultimate thin read my first post pffffffffff WITHOUT THIS FORUM MY PHONE WOULD STILL BE DEAD BRICKED ETC... got him back to life with the software of a good and same phone readback the firmware with SP_FLASH together with MTKDroid Tools search this forum for a tut or ask some guys over here i must be honest i did not do this by myself did it together true teamview with a good guy from this forum his nam is Tom thanks again tom your god hehehe he is very old to 0815:big_boss: also from my son tom thanx >>>>>CHILLBREAKS you can ask tom i would be proud to help you i dont dare sorry maybe i can send you my backup its with scatter etc if your pc still see your phone i think you can use my backup ask tom first GOOD LUCK pal iil be back here greetings a happy man:dance3:


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