至简D1 - 1,7Ghz Snapdragon 5" FHD MHL NFC OTG 3400mah 2GB Ram 32GB Rom 5 + 13 MP Cams



Scheint ein neuer Hersteller zu sein? Deren hompage habe ich noch nicht gefunden. Das handy heißt 至简D1 , was Google mit " To Jane D1 " übersetzt.
Angeblich soll es zwischen 1999 yuans ( 252€ ) und 2199 yuans ( 277€ ) kosten . Wann es kommt steht anscheinend noch nicht fest.

至简D1曝光 5英寸FHD四核功能齐全 mtksj

Brief exposure to 5 inches D1 Quad FHD fully functional
Circulating online for some time before there will be a product called "simple phone" upcoming news, but the aircraft was confirmed a few months later and did not use the name, this product is genuine internal model to Jane D1, established by the 2013 Shenzhen City to true to Jane and Technology Development Co., Ltd. introduced. To Jane D1 is the division's first product, rumored to true to Jane by the mobile phone industry more prominent technological joint ventures, and D1 is also very Aspect.
News about this product have not been out too much exposure, however, the official from the recent actions of view, to Jane D1 imminent listed, the official says it will not open conference customary for the product, you may direct listing and selling price is 1999 yuan -2199 yuan perhaps? Which was recently exposed to Jane D1 core configuration information.
From the official product configuration diagram can be seen D1 was indeed minimalist design, adding a narrow frame design, more curious is top of the screen processing, optical see renderings where it can not distinguish between the handset and another bottom of the screen Keys also more chic, do not know whether to adopt the entity key design. Core configuration to Jane D1 can be said is high with, equipped with a main frequency of 1.7GHz APQ8064 quad-core processor, 2G RAM +32 G ROM as well as 13 million after former 5000000 pixel camera, 5 inches FHD screen + original JDI Corning second generation Gorilla Glass, and 10.18 mm fuselage built a large battery 3400 mA, the overall size than powerful. In addition to support for MHL HD output, OTG and NFC, etc., functions also very comprehensive.
Most people look forward to the bottom of the video to show up or the many innovative features, such as single-handed operation, intelligent power-saving, intelligent adjust the screen brightness, eye movement control screen, gesture recognition, etc. In addition ROM equally made many innovations, this phone Xiangxi situation is expected to be released recently.

Brief introduction to the core functions of D1 video:



New Member
Wow sieht ja mal nach was Vernünftigem aus

PLus ein großer Akku im Vergleich zu den andern Handys auf dem Bild, Quad Core und der Preis scheint ebenfalls gut zu sein,

Also ich hoffe du findest hier noch Infos und postest sie hier !!!



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