Call Conference not working in Pinphone and Most Application ICON are missing


New Member
I need help from you all. I purchased a pinphone from Malaysia.
The Software version is I835S_FN_CA_W_V1_1_1.
I am facing few problem:

1. The call conf is not happening. When I am trying to add the second caller, only the " SWAP" option is coming instead of "merge"
2. No ICON of Google Map or Weather or MSN or GTALK. Most of the Application Icon are missing.

3. My Pinphone shows that it is having 32 GB memory but when I connect to my labtop it only shows 4 GB.

Please Help.


New Member
I didn't try to do a conference call yet, so I'm not sure if that feature is supported or not.
In my FW (1.1.9) there is an icon for Google Maps but none for weather, msn or gtalk. Those are not included with any present firmware as far as I know. Only Google Maps has it's own icon, the others have to be installed as additional Java apps and they can only be launched via the Java icon then. Adding icons is not possible. This phone is a pretty far cry from a real iPhone, unfortunately.
The displayed 32 GB memory is bogus. All Pinphones show the same nonsense, but the real memory in your phone is indeed just 4 GB.
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