Alle ueblicherweise geltenden Fristen bei Aliexpress sind fuer diese Zeit ausser Kraft gesetzt bzw. automatisch fuer die Verkaeufer verlaengert.
Happy Chinese New Year from all of us at AliExpress! It’s been an exciting year and we’d like to thank you for being a part of our growing Alifamily. As this is a time for celebration, many of our sellers will be on holiday from Feb 7 - Feb 13. During that time, order processing time and shipping may be delayed about 7 days. If you have anyquestions or concerns, please contact our customer service team.
Und bei Logistics Information:
(Happy Chinese New Year from all of us at AliExpress! It’s been an exciting year and we’d like to thank you for being a part of our growing Alifamily. As this is a time for celebration, many of our sellers will be on holiday from Feb 7 – Feb 13. Therefore, for any disputes created during that time, seller response time is extended from 5 days to 12 days.)
Das betrifft uebrigends scheinbar nicht automatisch auch den Kaeuferschutz.
Da muessen Verlaengerungen weiterhin von den Kaeufern manuell beantragt und von den Verkaeufern genehmigt werden, statt auch automatisch um diese Woche verlaengert zu werden.
Logistics Information:
If you would like to extend your Purchase Protection you can contact the seller directly or click ' Request to extend Purchase Protection ' to ask for the seller's approval.
Happy Chinese New Year from all of us at AliExpress! It’s been an exciting year and we’d like to thank you for being a part of our growing Alifamily. As this is a time for celebration, many of our sellers will be on holiday from Feb 7 - Feb 13. During that time, order processing time and shipping may be delayed about 7 days. If you have anyquestions or concerns, please contact our customer service team.
Und bei Logistics Information:
(Happy Chinese New Year from all of us at AliExpress! It’s been an exciting year and we’d like to thank you for being a part of our growing Alifamily. As this is a time for celebration, many of our sellers will be on holiday from Feb 7 – Feb 13. Therefore, for any disputes created during that time, seller response time is extended from 5 days to 12 days.)
Das betrifft uebrigends scheinbar nicht automatisch auch den Kaeuferschutz.
Da muessen Verlaengerungen weiterhin von den Kaeufern manuell beantragt und von den Verkaeufern genehmigt werden, statt auch automatisch um diese Woche verlaengert zu werden.
Logistics Information:
If you would like to extend your Purchase Protection you can contact the seller directly or click ' Request to extend Purchase Protection ' to ask for the seller's approval.