Apanda A100 - 4.1" kapazitiver touch , 3G - 1ghz Qualcomm CPU



erstes kleines review vom A100. Das A100 wurde ja in kleiner Stückzahl von Apanda angeboten. Laut dem Apanda forum gab es irgentwelche technnischen Probleme, keine Ahnung was, deswegen wurde die herstellung immer wieder aufgeschoben. Angeblich soll es nun im Mai kommen, aber wer weiß.

Laut shanzhaiji funktioniert die kamera recht gut und man kann problemlos apps auf SD karte speichern, per App2SD. Viel mehr steht da leider auch nicht. Und was das nun mal kosten soll weiß ich auch immer noch nicht. Im apanda Forum hofft man , daß es recht "günstig" angeboten wird, da ja , wenn es mal zu haben gibt, schon längst lauter Dual Core handys angeboten werden und singel Core wäre ja dann "alte" technologie :) Naja wer weiß .


A100 is equipped with a processor to send Qualcomm QSD8650, frequency up to 1GHz, RAM is 512MB, runs very smooth, no Caton phenomenon. On the back of a 500 million has a auto focus camera with an LED of the fill light. The effect of camera is very good, especially the macro. A100 screen is used in Sharp ASV technology, 4.3-inch capacitive touch screen, the color performance is excellent.
100 equipped with the operating system is the mainstream version of Android 2.2, the most important feature is support for Flash Player plug-in and have a more efficient operating efficiency, make you swim accessible online world, such as micro-Bo, Internet and so on. In addition, A100 also comes with a front camera, support for the 3G WCDMA standard network. A100 can also be achieved through third-party software, mobile office, change image effects.
Beyond this, A100 also supports APP2SD, the program moved to SD card (program support). 720P also supports hardware video playback, so you move the go HD! The first A100 to send the emergence of Android phone is in fact feel very powerful, can be said that A100 may be changed so that all the Android smart phone, no wonder is people call a "mini-plate king!"


Nun scheint es wohl noch was besseres als das A100 zugeben? nennt sich A101 und hat angeblich die selbe CPU , wie das HTC Desire HD. Statt 512 MB Ram wie beim A100, hat es angeblich 1GB Ram.


The first intelligent machine levies enigmatic bursts also exposed God Machine A101
A100 is a large screen easy to observe its existence, 1GHz of CPU +512 MB of RAM and 512MB of Flash is the configuration of the current mainstream structure, with a camera before and after, the said front opening of future upgrades directly to the video call. A100 has also been a favorite of people known as "mini-tablet King."
The last paragraph of the A101, this model was so far it is still a mystery, but according to this model will be introduced and the HTC Desire HD using the same CPU, built-in 1GB capacity of the ROM, over a 4-inch screen. Following the A100 model, after which will continue to attract the attention of consumers it? Can only wait until it's officially released!
IM Artikel sind mehrere Bilder, keine Ahnung welches davon das A101 sein soll. Ein Bild zeigt zumindest das A80 ( letztes bild ).



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