Meizu MX4 Mediatek Handy - MT6595 FDD / TD-LTE 5,4" Display (1152 × 1920) 20,7MP Cam 3100mah



Ja da gibts ja das MX4 sowieso erst. Aber selbst auf der offiziellen Meizu Seite kann man aktuell nur das Graue bestellen / reservieren. :(


Preise für die HK Version vom MX4, ist etwas teuerer. :

魅族MX4港版售价出炉:1820元起 要跳票了 mydrivers

MX4 Hong Kong version released Meizu price: 1820 yuan to be bounced
Meizu announced the news in Hong Kong, originally went on sale in Hong Kong at the end of MX4 want bounced, concrete will be postponed to October 4 officially listed.

Hong Kong media also confirmed the MX4 Hong Kong version of the price, the lowest gray 16GB version for 2,299 Hong Kong dollars (equivalent to about 1820 yuan), slightly more than the mainstream of 1799, while the 32GB version is a 2549 Hong Kong dollars; their white slightly more expensive, 16GB version 2399 Hong Kong dollars, 32GB for the 2649 Hong Kong dollars.

The official did not explain the reasons listed MX4 Hong Kong trip postponed, but is said to be the Google Play services and related capacity.


Heute hat alibaba das neue Flyme OS mit Yunos Cloud Gedöns vorgestellt. Damit läuft angeblich das MX4 schneller, außerdem wird alles mögliche im Hintergrund überwacht. Meizu ist ja mit alibaba eine Partnerschaft eingegangen, die dann das yunos mit flyme OS verbindet.
Außerdem gibt es dann ein paar sonder Enditionen vom MX4 , mit goldenem Backcover und eine mit Silberrand. Allerdings limitiert.

Weiß jetzt nicht, ob das nun für uns relevant ist, da ja diese Cloud Geschichte bestimmt nur chinesisch ist?

Flyme Powered by Yun OS Video:

魅族MX4土豪金版亮相!性能碉堡了 mydrivers

Meizu MX4 Tyrant Gold Edition debut! Performance bunker
Meizu strategic conference today and Ali did not most of the fresh violence stuff, just launched a rumor for a long time MX4 YunOS 3.0 version.

MX4 had three color when released, Tyrant is what kind of gold version, you may not know, now the real machine debut, accurate color is the back cover of the machine is the kind of very light champagne color.

The reason why the aircraft bunker, that is because in the conference, stressed the MX4 Meizu YunOS 3.0 running under 11% of the points can be strong performance than the Android version, can suddenly run sub-5W, while life is also improved 5 hours these looks are to force.
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魅族MX4新版本发布!更漂亮 mydrivers

Meizu freak: 1799 yuan MX4 pairs 11 stock!
For those who wait MX4's, the good news came.

At the just the conference, the official Meizu announced that its flagship store Lynx will provide 100,000 units MX4 spot at least in the double 11, the user orders can be shipped.

In addition, the Meizu also stressed that before booking MX4 orders will all get in this month.

It is worth mentioning that the dual 11 Lynx Meizu flagship store will offer 10,000 units MX4 Tyrant gold version (there are 10,000 units MX4 Silverwing version and 100,000 units MX3), the price is still 1,799 yuan.

PS: MX4 all stock on sale is getting closer ...
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基于YunOS的Flyme发布:续航性能大提升 mydrivers

Based YunOS of Flyme Release: Big enhance endurance performance
Before Meizu and Ali announced a partnership, we think both in the manner in which the system will be fused, and now the results came out: Flyme powered by YunOS.

In simple terms, Meizu retain the visual, interactive and functional Flyme interface, relying on security, payment and performance YunOS at the bottom. For example, the application of behavioral defenses to block unknown viruses; refuse ROOT break, while fully eliminate illegal import risks, protect the input security and so on.

In addition, the new Flyme also joined the YunOS distinctive CloudCard services, covering 31 kinds of convenient service types, applications to show the form of a series of cards on the screen, run entirely in the cloud, without having to go to such as are required for other operating systems to download applications.

For endurance and performance part we are most concerned about, Flyme powered by YunOS with a precise mandate, intelligent wake heartbeat servers and other technology to improve battery life of up to 33 percent, while relying on the new virtual machine, the speed increase of 11%.
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Ali YunOS version of the Meizu MX4 real machine out of the box: getting out
This afternoon, Meizu, Ali conglomerate action --YunOS version MX4 has been officially unveiled, and Phoenix Digital has brought the machine out of the box diagram Tour for the first time.

In addition to black and white, MX4 today also ushered in a golden version, and the following is the debut of this new color models.

After carrying YunOS 3.0, MX4 system interface also has major changes, in addition to conventional APP interface, as well as more convenient card service. In addition, the system also incorporates a number of Ali's services.
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Well-Known Member
Man das Handy ist so geil ich will es haben aber im Moment in CN zu bestellen ist ja nicht so ratsam. Aber irgendwie juckt es mich so das Handy zu holen!!


New Member
Ich habe bestellt und habe 3 Tage später eine tracking Nummer erhalten das War am Freitag. Seither steht in meinem tracking, das mein Paket China verlässt und schon sortiert ist. Halte euch auf dem laufenden wie lange es dauerte. ..


Well-Known Member
Kann man das nun schon beziehen? In egay gibt es einen aus Italien und aus Spanien die haben es angeblich schon. Ob da was dran ist?!


Unterschiede zwischen den Roms von der CHina Mobile und Unicom Version und noch einer dritten Rom Version :

Ist zwar schwer verständlich, aber vielleicht ganz interessant welche Roms man benutzen kann und was nicht.

魅族 MX4 64G移动版4G手机(灰色)TD-LTE/TD-SCDMA/GSM非合约机 it168

Meizu MX4 64G 4G mobile phone (gray) TD-LTE / TD-SCDMA / GSM non-contract machine
[IT168 evaluation] Meizu MX4 can support FDD-LTE and TD-LTE network, but Meizu MX4 listed into the mobile version and China Unicom version, the two versions of the hardware basically no difference, but in network support on the mobile version only supports mobile the 4G / 3G network, China Unicom version supports mobile 4G, Unicom 4G, China Unicom 3G network. We also noticed that there is an official line Meizu called "generic" version of Flyme system, this is what?

Although Meizu MX4 into mobile and China Unicom version of the two versions, but the hardware is basically the same, in theory, can support Mobile and China Unicom 4G / 3G networks, Meizu MX4 is a generic version of the system can be turned on Mobile and China Unicom 4G / 3G network ROM, whether your hand is still Unicom version of the mobile version of MX4 MX4 can brush this ROM. Generic version of the ROM can open all of the 4G / 3G networks, to verify what we are today, in addition to the hardware since the same version of the machine Unicom mobile version of the ROM can brush it?


▲ Meizu MX4 systems offer three different versions of capacity
We Meizu official website can be directly downloaded three versions of MX4 Flyme OS, now Flyme OS system version 4.0,2, you can see the back of the various versions of the "A, U, C" logo to distinguish. You can see three versions of size is also somewhat different, Unicom version largest generic version and the mobile version of a size close, I believe the contents of the three ROM is also different.
We use this test machine is a Unicom version of the engineering model, the model is M461, we get this machine time has brush into a generic version of Flyme system, we then we tested on this phone .

▲ generic version Flyme OS
We have to brush this Meizu MX4 into 4.0.2A system is a generic version of Flyme system, here we insert Mobile and China Unicom's 4G card to see if there are 4G and 3G signals.

▲ Unicom 4G / 3G


▲ Mobile 4G / 3G
You can see into China Unicom and China Mobile's 4G card Meizu MX4 generic version of ROM can support 4G and 3G capabilities, that Meizu MX4 generic version of the system can be turned on 4G Mobile and China Unicom and 3G networks.

Also found MX4 after Meizu 4G card is inserted Telecom Telecom was able to connect to the 4G network, but no phone service or reality, can not call and the Internet, but there are signals only, Meizu MX4 still can not support Telecom's 3G and 4G networks.

▲ Meizu MX4 Unicom version Flyme OS
Then we re-MX4 this station Meizu brush into Unicom version of the ROM, when we look at China Unicom to support the mobile version of 4G and 3G networks.

▲ Meizu Unicom version MX4 boot interface and system applications
After the brush into the Unicom version of ROM boot screen you can see the emergence of China Unicom's Logo, and the system which also has Unicom applications, more than a few APP, there is no generic version of the system clean.

▲ Meizu MX4 Unicom 3G version does not support the move
Since Unicom version of the ROM so it must be able to support China Unicom's 4G and 3G networks, which we will not go discussed. After we insert cards found MX4 4G mobile is able to connect to 4G mobile networks, in addition to this MX4 although able to connect to the 4G mobile network, but not search Mobile's 3G network, that China Unicom version of the Meizu MX4 support mobile Unicom the 4G network slightly, but does not support 3G mobile networks.

▲ Meizu MX4 not support telecom network
Similarly brush Unicom version of ROM 4G signal after the telecommunications able to search, and can access, but the same can not access and phone calls appear the phenomenon, Meizu MX4 still can not support 4G and 3G telecommunication networks.

▲ Unicom version of the mobile version of the system can not brush
Since the hardware is the same as our version of the Meizu this station Unicom MX4 try to brush into the mobile version of the ROM, but unfortunately this is not done.

After the above tests we can draw this conclusion:

One, whether you are buying a Meizu MX Unicom mobile version Ye Hao can brush into the generic version of Flyme system, thereby opening the mobile Unicom's 4G and 3G networks;

2, Meizu MX4 Unicom Unicom mobile version will support 4G network, to support China Unicom's 3G network does not support the 3G mobile network; Meizu MX4 mobile version only supports 4G and 3G mobile network, China Unicom does not support 4G and 3G networks;

3, the mobile users do not try to brush into the Unicom version of the ROM, China Unicom Edition users do not try to brush into the mobile version of the ROM (It is said that there are forum users realized through the brush, we need to be further verified);

4, Meizu MX4 can support 4G telecommunications network hardware does not support Telecom's 3G / 2G network, although there is not the Internet can not call signal, in fact, that is not supported.


Bilder von der weissen Version mit Silberrand

太漂亮了 魅族MX4银翼版真机图赏 mydrivers

Too beautiful Meizu Silverwing version MX4 real machine diagram Tour
October 21, Meizu Alibaba held a joint press conference in Beijing, officially released YunOS version MX4. At the same time, MX4 Silverwing version also debut.

Specifically, MX4 Silverwing version MX4 in the original configuration and there is no difference, just the color of the border around the body instead of metal color, it seems there is a "Silverwing" feeling. Besides its cover from matte material replaced piano paint materials, said to be feeling better.

Also in accordance with the Meizu saying, MX4 Silverwing version is by Meizu CEO Huang Zhang personally finalized finalized, it will be officially on sale the same day in a double 11, shelf 10,000 units, 16GB version is priced at 1,799 yuan.

Here's a look ePrice brought us real machine diagram Tour:
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